Wellness and FUN —In the same sentence.

Our mission is simple:
To bring FUN and Super Powers to Life.

Why are we so SUPER?

Super Clean

We prioritize cleanliness and purity in our ingredients. We carefully source from trusted suppliers who meet rigorous quality standards.

Our manufacturing process adheres to Good Manufacturing Practices, ensuring that every product is safe and trustworthy for our customers.

Transparency is key, and we provide detailed information about our sourcing and production methods, so you can trust the cleanliness of every Fungiments formula.

Super Studied Ingredients

Our formulas are crafted with clinically studied ingredients to ensure efficacy and safety. We prioritize research-backed compounds that have been rigorously tested in clinical trials, allowing us to confidently deliver products that offer real results.

By selecting ingredients with proven benefits, we aim to provide our customers with solutions that are not only effective but also backed by scientific evidence. Our commitment to using clinically studied ingredients underscores our dedication to delivering premium quality products that you can trust.


We prioritize sustainably sourced ingredients to minimize our environmental impact and support local communities.

By partnering with suppliers who share our values, we ensure that our products are ethically sourced and environmentally responsible. Our commitment to sustainability extends to fair labor practices and economic empowerment, reflecting our dedication to people and the planet.

Note from our founders

Dear Fungiments Community,

As co-founders of Fungiments, Cole and I wanted to take time to share with you the personal journey that inspired the creation of our company. Fungiments began with a simple yet revolutionary purpose: to bring back the fun and vitality into my life.

Following a concussion, I experienced a variety of challenges, from anxiety and sleep disturbances to low energy and brain fog. I desperately tried to find solutions in traditional medicine, but I had hesitation to explore options that might lead to dependency or unwanted side effects.

However— an encounter with a doctor who specialized in holistic approaches changed everything.This doctor introduced me to a  blend of mushrooms and adaptogens, and within just a few weeks, I started to find myself again.

The clouds that were covering my life lifted, and a sense of vitality returned. Excited by this, I knew I had to share it with others. I went to Cole, my boyfriend, and told him: we need to do something with this, I’m finally feeling the fun in life again.Since then, Cole and I have dedicated our lives to developing supplements based on what we feel we need most and we do it in a way that feels fun, efficient, clean, and deliver powerful results.

We believe in creating supplements that not only nourish the body but also elevate your life, ensuring that every dose is a delightful experience.That unique moment in my life led us to discover our passion for holistic wellness with a mission to create products that could empower others to reclaim their fun.

Fungiments was born out of my journey— driven by the belief that nature holds incredible healing power when harnessed mindfully and responsibly.We are thankful for each and every one of you who has joined us on this journey. Together, let’s continue to embrace the fun in life and prioritize holistic wellness for ourselves and our communities.

With gratitude,

Maria Camila and Cole

Co-founders of Fungiments

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